
Showing posts from May, 2019

Ways In Which a Routing And Scheduling Software Can Help a Trucking Company

If you own a small to medium size trucking company with a network of delivery trucks, you may want to consider implementing routing and schedule software for your business. These software, which were once limited only to the bigger firms, are now accessible to the smaller delivery service providers, thanks to the low-cost of the technology involved. These cloud-based delivery planning software systems can be accessed via hand-held devices and firms can take advantage of them just like the large fleets. Orders are fed into the software package and optimized, routes are created and loaded on to a device for the driver and the dispatcher. The route is then tracked to provide the exact location of where the driver is on the delivery route.  Let’s now look at some of the areas in which these routing and scheduling applications can benefit a trucking organization. Reduced Operating Costs- Fuel is one of the biggest contributor of expenses in a trucking company. Most companies